Summer Registration is now open …

Our summer schedule is now open for registrations. Lessons are being offered each week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout July and August. Students are free to choose whichever weeks they would like and sign up for a lesson during that week. It is up to you which weeks you choose, which teachers and which times all designed to be as flexible as possible in accommodating peoples varying summer activities. Also, since you may not be taking a lesson each week, our summer lessons are all 45 minute private lessons with a cost of $55.50 per lesson.

During the summer (July & August) we do not offer any official cancellations. However, since the summer time is usually less busy for lessons, if you let us know about a lesson that you can not make 24 hours in advance, we will do our best to find you an alternative spot for you to take that lesson. We can usually work it out. Unfortunately, if we can not find a spot that works, you would not be eligible for a future make up lesson, just a credit to be used at some point down the road.

Signing up is easy …

Simply fill out the registration form below, choosing all of the weeks that you would like a lesson. Then, complete the form and submit it. We will review and confirm your choices and process the payment for your lessons. We will email the receipt to you once your payment is processed. If you prefer, we do all of this by phone or in person in the store. If you have any questions, you are welcome to call (416) 233-2232 or email for help, we’d be happy to assist.

45 minute weekly piano, guitar, bass, drum lesson - $55.50 per lesson.